Loyalty to the West Adds More Miseries to Kenya

Press Release

France’s President Emmanuel Macron has concluded his African visit in Kenya on 14 March 2019 after visiting Ethiopia and Djibouti as part of his latest charm to Africa. Mr. Macron pledged greater partnerships with Kenya’s administration in economic development efforts to improve the environment and to battle regional extremist violence.

We in Hizb ut Tahrir /Kenya wish to mention the following:

Under the pretext of development cooperation, France is a watchdog of the West Capitalists, its military bases in countries like Djibouti is an attempt to retain her political influence over its former colonies. Well known in its adoption of freedom as its idea of fragmentation, she is key in promoting her corrupt ideas of freedom under the banner of cultural diplomacy that saw Kenya to be included in the Priority Solidarity Zone (ZSP) by the French government in 1999. While Macron pledges to boost the economies of Kenya and the Horn of Africa while his administration is facing the toughest crisis that that culminated into three weeks of violent protests late last year. “Yellow Vest” protesters have demanded his administration to give financial relief to large parts of the population that are struggling in meeting their daily needs. It is clear that Macron’s visit aims at imposing stinging imperial colonial economic policies to Kenya as attempt to salvage its economy that has seen huge decline on economic and military since WW2 to date.

With regards to environment and discussed solutions to Environmental Challenges in the U.N. Environmental meeting and One Planet Summit, it is very far from tackling these challenges and thus cannot bring the world to the ‘future she wants’. The Western thinkers and environmental experts are deliberately dealing with the effects of the problem rather than the root of the problem. We view that the deterioration of the environment is attributed to the greedy capitalists who always strive for the achievement of maximum wealth. And since the flawed capitalist economy has proclaimed that the economic problem is scarcity of resources therefore states are driven to focus on increased production in order to reach the highest possible level of National Income and to increase economic growth, without paying any regards to the environment.

As for Macron’s comments on battling regional extremist violence and security, we wish to point out that France has no reputation to lecture Kenya and Africa at large on matters of security. French army is well known for terror and brutality as in between 1954 and 1962 it brutalized and killed indiscriminately an estimated 1.5 million Algerians. They targeted the civilian population and the extermination of entire villages. The soldiers of the so-called ‘civilized nation’ committed a systematic rape, torture and beheadings… In addition, French troops under the pretext of supporting African peace keeping has been involved in outright violence in several parts of Africa.

Finally, we say, since Africa remains a key territory on the global chessboard of the 21st century, the war on terror and violent extremism becomes a new monster for new scramble for Africa. Being loyal to the West will add more crises to the people of Kenya and Africa at large. We therefore urge the intellectuals to join us in working to bring the honor and dignity to the people of Kenya and Africa at large by reestablishing the Khilafah (Caliphate) in the Muslim land. Only the Khilafah (Caliphate) is able to cut ties to all colonial powers.

Shabani Mwalimu

Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in Kenya

REF: 1440 / 06

Friday, 8th Rajab 1440 AH /

15/03/2019 CE

Tel.: +254 707458907

Email: mediarep@hizb.or.ke