Cabinet Reshuffle: Old Strategy- New Faces

Press Release

         Kenya’s President William Ruto has appointed four members of the main opposition party as part of a new cabinet as protests continue to rock the East African nation. The president had promised to appoint a new “broad-based” cabinet in response to  the G-z protests witnessed a month ago. The move is ‘aimed’ at facilitating job creation, robust debt management, enhanced transparency and accountability in the use of public resources.

        We wish to point out the following:
The G-z concern has always been the general public concern in Kenya’s history. Upon a profound understanding these burning issues and more ultimately remain, a vicious cycle that definitely plunge the country into a dark abyss. This unfortunate political reality will never be radically changed to the interest of the society, since the political class and the so called G-z have confined change as speculated within the constitutional – political framework.
The capitalist ideology, a colonial tool subjugating the ‘third world countries’ is the elephant in the room here. As much as we appreciate the G-z vocal protest against the IMF and World Bank as colonial financial tools, however, there is a need to further these political emotions into comprehending the current global ideological reality as
Kenya is not an isolated island.
The Capitalism system has created an illusion for change within the box of periodic general elections, constitutional reforms, and protests yet no fundamental
change has ever materialized. Based on this deep, profound and crystal clear view, we therefore categorically state, the new and old faces in the current reshuffled cabinet is merely an old strategy and unfortunate same outcome!
We state the radical change is calling for Islam as the only system that pleases the Lord of humankind… A system that is obliged to reinstate human dignity as the political priority. Upon its implementation under the political framework of the Khilafah (Caliphate) guarantees genuine livelihood. Islam is the only choice for liberating
humanity from these perpetual failures as it guarantees economic and political stability. Historically upon its implementation, Islam elevated humanity from the shackles of economic enslavement and political hypocrisy.

Shabani Mwalimu

Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir

in Kenya