Kenya-Somalia Maritime Row: A Colonial Dispute to Secure Western Masters’ Interests

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


A row over a maritime territorial area in the Indian Ocean between Kenya and Somalia has escalated after Nairobi decided to cut diplomatic relations with Mogadishu over a claim that the latter had auctioned oil blocks located in a disputed border area. At the centre of the dispute is a narrow triangle on the Indian Ocean measuring 62,000 square miles. (


Somalia’s Federal Government based in Mogadishu and led by Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed “Farmajo” is a pro-US regime. Since Farmajo came to power on 16 February 2017, his regime has been facing hostility from pro-UK regional states of Somalia’s Federal member states led by Ahmed Mohamed Islam “Sheikh Ahmed Madobe” who is the leader/president of Jubaland State of Somalia whose capital is Kismayo. The pro-UK regional leaders organized their first meeting on October 2017 and their second meeting on September 2018 which was attended by presidents — Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas (Puntland), Ahmed Duale Gelle (Galmudug), Mohamed Abdi Ware (Hirshabelle), Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden (South West State) and Sheikh Ahmed Madobe of Jubaland, who hosted the meeting. The common sentiments in both the meetings the leaders called for the suspension of co-operation between regional states and the centre (Mogadishu) on the pretext that President Farmajo’s inability to fight Al Shabaab and his continued interference in the internal affairs of the federal states. Sheikh Ahmed Madobe was the governor of Kismayo from 2006 under the Islamic Union Courts (ICU) before the pro-US Ethiopian invasion disbanded ICU.

Kenyan government is a pro-UK regime and went into Somalia to secure her master interests. Hence, Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) on 16 October 2011 under the pretext of “fighting terrorism” invaded Somalia’s territory and fought alongside Sheikh Ahmed Madobe who was leading Ras Kamboni Brigade, a paramilitary group that is the predecessor of the Ras Kamboni Movement. Together they liberated Kismayo and is now under Madobe as the president of Jubaland State of Somalia. The disputed oil-rich area borders Jubaland State of Somalia.

The Federal Government of Somalia that is pro-US when it realize the danger posed by the pro-UK regional states’ presidents led by Sheikh Ahmed Madobe launched an extensive campaign to replace the regional leaders. Therefore, their plots led to the replacement of Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden (South West State) with Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed, a former federal government minister for energy and water resources won the elections on Wednesday, 19 December 2018. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas (Puntland) replaced with Said Abdullahi Deni, a former federal government minister for planning won the elections on Tuesday, 8 January 2019. The elections’ outcome of the rest of the remaining Federal member states of Hirshabelle, Jubaland and Galmudug are unknown but it seems the regional leadership is worried to an extent on October 2018 Mohamed Abdi Ware (Hirshabelle) announced that he will co-operate with the central (Mogadishu) government and with the upcoming August 2019 elections battle for Jubaland where Sheikh Ahmed Madobe is facing dethronement from the central government!

Due to the above reasons, it is confirmed that the latest Maritime hullabaloo between Kenya-Somalia is nothing but just a political gimmick between colonial states countering each other as per the demands of their western colonial masters which are aimed at securing their interests. Somalia warned Kenya by hosting the Somalia Oil Conference in London on 7 February 2019. Kenya on the other hand, responded harshly to the threat posed to their master’s interests in Somalia and especially in Jubaland State. Meaning the upcoming August 2019 elections in Jubaland is a direct threat for Britain.

Both Kenya and Somalia are ruled by invalid secular capitalist ideology and its stinking systems including Democracy. An evil ideology that is only concerned with extensive looting of resources by western multinationals and condemning the people to extreme poverty conditions! Furthermore, Somalia is a Muslim land which most of its modern cities such as Mogadishu were under the Khilafah (Caliphate) of Abdul Malik bin Marwan. In 1875, Muslims captured Kismayo and was put under the Khilafah (Caliphate) Uthmaniyya (Ottoman Caliphate) ruled by Sultan Abdul Aziz bin Mahmoud II and joined into the Wilayah (province) of Egypt under Wali (governor) Ismail Pasha.

The most radical and genuine solution for the maritime dispute is for the leadership of the said two countries and especially Somalia since it is a Muslim nation to cut off the international ties and embrace the call for the resumption of the Islamic Way of life by establishing a Khilafah (Caliphate) on the method of Prophethood. A Khilafah (Caliphate) not founded upon colonial borders that are aimed at casting aspersions between humanity by fanning nationalism! At the same time resources are justly distributed between the citizens under the Khilafah (Caliphate) to ensure individual basic needs, social needs and luxurious needs for individuals are met adequately within its means. As for Kenya a non-Muslim nation, it must revisit Islam as an ideology, study it and compare its notes devoid of western interpretation of Islam. It is only under the Khilafah (Caliphate) that Kenya, Somalia, Africa and the world at large will enjoy genuine tranquility, development and prosperity due to the comprehensive implementation of the Islamic Shari’ah (Qur’an and Sunnah) under a just Khalifah (Caliph) guided by Islam ONLY.

Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Ali Nassoro Ali
Member of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Kenya