The Prophet’s (saw) Methodology for Revival

سم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Circle 14: Seeking Material Support (Nussrah) from the People of Power and Influence

In this Circle, we will talk about seeking for material support (Nussrah) from the people of power and influence.

The Beginning of Assuming Leadership

Indeed, seeking Nussrah is among the important affairs, and is one of the daring activities of the da’wah; those who undertake this task have a great responsibility placed on their shoulders from their great deal of determination and acceptance to undertake the task, they have sold themselves for the sake of Allah, and carried their souls on their palms to secure Paradise …!    In addition, seeking Nussrah is a command from Allah (swt), thus it is a Taklif from Him Subhanahu, it is thus required to be extremely secretive, and no one is supposed to be aware of it except the leadership alone.

And it is required to be undertaken in its totality, and should be understood that it is a vital part that cannot be separated from the method (Tariqah) of carry the da’wah. It is not allowed for us to neglect it nor skip it for another method, and this also applies to any other Fardh commanded by Allah Azza wa Jalla. Therefore, seeking Nussrah for the da’wah is the same as performing Sujud in Salah, they have the same importance, since all of them fulfill the Fardh.

The Prophet (saw) was enthusiastic in seeking the Nusrah, he (saw) used to go alone or with one of his Sahaba to seek for the Nussrah from the tribes asking them to accept/believe him and consequently defend him against those who show enmity to him from among his people and protect him from nuisance. And he (saw) went with no one except he who he was satisfied of his trust and secretiveness among his Sahaba (ra).

The Quraysh intensified their nuisance to the Prophet (saw) and his Sahaba until it was too much for them, and lost further hope for tribal support after denial from the Thaqif of Taif with harsh response, and after denial from Banu Kinda, Banu Kalb, and Banu Amir bin Swa’swa’, and Banu Hanifah, when the Prophet (saw) introduced himself to them during the Hajj season, since there was no hope for any of the Quraysh to embrace Islam! And when they saw abandonment of Muhammad, they further deserted him, the Prophet (saw) saw the stiffness of the people of Makkah and the stubbornness of the Makkan society towards the da’wah.

Days went by, and the Prophet (saw) was abandoned further, and the Quraysh persisted in their animosity against him, and the people continued to stay away from him…! Despite all that the Prophet (saw) and his companions (ra) continued in their anticipating for Allah’s support, and that Allah will make His Deen dominant over all other ways of life; we too have in the Prophet (saw) a model in three instances when he introduced himself to the tribes seeking Nussrah we will only mention them in this circle but will do so in detail in subsequent circles In Shas Allah:

First: When he (saw) introduced himself to Banu Shiban bin Tha’laba.

Second: When he (saw) introduced himself to Thaqif

Third: When he (saw) introduced himself to Banu Amir Bin Swa’swa’


It will continue in UQAB Issue 19… In Shaa Allah.