The Prophet’s (saw) Methodology for Revival

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Circle 4: Interaction Stage

Today we will discuss on the second stage among the stages of the prophet’s (saw) da’wah which is the stage of interacting with society which was meant to achieve an imperative object: Public Opinion (Rai ‘Aam) emanating from Public Awareness (Waa’ yi Aam).

This second stage involved both intellectual struggle and political action.

The Prophet (saw) made Ummul Quraa (Holy City of Mecca) to be the launching point of his da’wah to reach all other surrounding villages/cities/towns, after having inculcated his noble companions with Islam, where Islamic thought and method became their way of life.

The Quraysh stood against the prophet (saw) and his followers using four (4) styles:

We will mention them in this Halaqa and expound them in the coming issue In Shaa Allah:

  1. Bargaining with the Prophet (saw) to abandon the da’wah
  2. Propaganda against the Prophet (saw) and the da’wah.
  3. Boycotting carriers of the da’wah.
  4. Nuisance and persecution against the Prophet (saw) and the da’wah carriers.

It will continue in UQAB Issue 9… In Shaa Allah.