The Prophet’s (saw) Methodology for Revival

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Circle 10: Abubakar as-Siddiq (ra), Umar ibn Khattab (ra) and Uthman ibn Affan’s (ra) Endurance of the Hardship and Nuisance in the Face of the Da’wah

In this halaqah we continue with the fourth and last tactic used by the Quraysh against the Prophet’s (saw) da’wah. And today we will talk about nuisance and persecution that faced some of the Companions (ra).

Resilience of As-Siddiq رضي الله عنه

Narrated by ‘Aisha (ra) who said: when the Sahaba reached 83 in numbered Abubakar emphasized to the Messenger (saw) the need to come out openly.

He said: “Oh Abubakar! We are still few”, so Abubakar never stopped at emphasizing to the Messenger the need to come out openly until the Prophet did. Muslims arranged themselves and sat at every corner of the mosque, and Abubakar became the first who openly called to Allah.

Abubakar and Muslims were attacked by the polytheists, they were given a thorough beating and Abubakar was chocked severely by the polytheist Utbah ibn Rabi’ah. He surrounded and hit him with shoes on his face. Abubakar was beaten to the point that his nose could not be identified on his face; Banu Taym came with clothes and put him in his house, thinking he was dying…!

Bani Taym then returned and entered the mosque saying: “By Allah if Abubakar were to die we will kill Utbah ibn Rabi’ah…! They returned to Abubakar; Abu Quhafa and Banu Taym talked to Abubakar until he responded, in the evening he asked: “Where is the Messenger (saw)? Was he hurt?!

The First to Declare his Islam

Narrated by Is’haaq from ibn Umar (ra) who said: when Umar (ra) embraced Islam he said: “Who among the Quraysh should I break the news to?” he was told: Jamil bin Muammir, he therefore went to him, Abdullah ibn Umar said, and I followed him, and observed whatever he was doing while I am a young man who is well aware of everything that I see until he reached at him. He told him: “Are you aware Oh! Jamil that I have embraced Islam the religion of Muhammad (saw)?” he said: By Allah, he did not reply at him rather he stood up and took Umar’s (ra) by his piece of cloth and Umar followed him, I also followed them till he stood up by the door of the mosque shouting: “Oh Quraysh! (while they were busy with their businesses); Be aware that the son of Khattab has left religion of his forefathers…!” he said: he said this while Umar was behind him, he has lied, I have embraced Islam, I bear witness THERE IS NO GOD TRUE WORTHY OF WORSHIP THAN ALLAH AND MUHAMMAD IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH!! They ganged and beat him; they never stopped at beating him until the sun was right on their heads!

He says: Umar was exhausted, finally he sat down while they stood by his head and he said: “Do whatever you like, by Allah had we been 300 men, we would have left this town for you, or you would have left it for us…!” he says: while they were in that situation there came an old man from the Quraysh (Al-Aas bin Waail As-Sahmiy) wearing a nice dress and white robe, he stood at them and asked: “What is the matter?” They replied: “Umar left religion of his forefathers”, he said, “Quiet…! A man has chosen a matter for himself what do you want from him? Do you think Baniy Adiy will leave you to kill him? Leave him alone…!” he says: By Allah, they felt as if he had raised up a curtain from them.

Resilience of Dhin-Nurayn / Uthman

Narrated by Saa’d from Muhammad ibn Ibrahim At-Taymiy who said: When Uthman ibn Affan رضي الله عنه embraced Islam, his uncle al-Hakam bin Abi al-Aas ibn Umayyah took him and tied him with a rope. He told him: “Do you leave religion of your parents and follow religion of an innovator? By Allah, I will not untie you until you abandon what you have of this religion…!” Uthman replied: “By Allah I will never abandon it…!” when Al-Hakam saw his resolve towards this religion he despaired and freed him…!

It will continue in UQAB Issue 15… In Shaa Allah.